Sunday, November 10, 2013

Prague (September 14) - Planning

September 14

Well, we have a LOCATION, and I have clay!

Yesterday (Friday), one of our major goals was to get to the art store to pick up supplies.  We were also able to spend more time together to get to know each other as a team.  I got out my Super Sculpy (polymer clay), and started working on that.

Today was a lot of planning.  We just met with the Pastor Oleg and the main people from his church who are working on the outreach.  We are going to be a little further outside of the center of Prague, in front of one of the large shopping centers, just a few kilometers from the church we are working with.  We finalized some of our supplies (we found that they HAD saved most of the supplies we had left with them when we finished last year), and did some more planning.  It was interesting trying to do "brainstorming" in two (or possibly three) different languages, but we came up with some good ideas on how to set up the tents (three smaller tents this year, instead of one larger tent like we had last year) and organize the program.

Definitely you can pray for:
  -- flexibility, as many of the things we did last year have to be done differently this year.  God knows what He is doing!
  -- for one of the team members who is struggling with either allergies or a nagging cold.  She seems to be getting better, but she is definitely dragging.  Pray for the whole team for health!
  -- for church service on Sunday (tomorrow).  They would like us to give testimonies, so pray for the right words to say.
  -- for the final details on the contract on the location.  There was a line in there about not being able to distribute fliers, which is obviously not good, since that's one of the main activities - inviting people to the church.  Pastor Oleg believes he has an understanding with the store owners, but he wants to be sure he has it in writing.
  -- for good WEATHER.  We have tents, so we won't get rained out, but it's hard to attract people when it's raining out.

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