Monday, January 26, 2009

The OM "GO!" Conference

Well, we just got back from the OM "GO!" conference in Mosbach, Germany. This is OM's training and orientation conference for new members as they get ready to actually head out to their fields. There were about 120 people from at least 20 countries, headed for around 20 different places around the world.

It was a great time of teaching, worship and praise, prayer, and a time to get to meet and interact with different people from all kinds of different cultures and backgrounds. There was a wide variety of ages, though the majority of the people were younger. I sort of felt like the "parent" as I was talking to all these young people, but they all made Sue and me feel welcome and appreciated. We made some friendships that I think will last a life time.

The schedule was pretty insane, and not surprisingly, a lot of people were tired and struggling with colds. We managed to keep healthy during the conference itself, but the cold/cough/fever that was going around finally managed to catch up with us on the day we got home. Thankfully, we can take a little time to crash and get some rest!

I'm still "processing" as they called it there -- thinking through and internalizing all the ideas we were exposed to there through the different sessions, so I plan to have more posts here as time allows (and when I'm not suffering from coughing fits! :-/).