Sunday, July 29, 2012


A couple of weeks ago, my son Sam married a wonderful young lady.  They two of them asked if I would give a blessing over them at the reception dinner.  As I prayed about it, I remembered the this:

Some time ago, I was reading the familiar passage in Ecclesiastes 3 which begins, "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven."  As I pondered the passage, the Lord gave me this clear picture.

I was standing at the edge of a tall cliff, looking out into total darkness.  To the East, the sun was starting to rise.

Dawn.  The new light slowly crept past me, and I began to see details below.  I was looking out over a vast valley.  As the light grew, I began to see hills and depressions, forests and fields, clearings and dense bogs.  After a while I began to see buildings – houses, taller buildings, little towns and tightly packed cities, rundown shacks and shining mansions.

Then I realized that the entire valley was covered with pathways.  Some of them were narrow little walkways, others were broad roads.  They meandered all through the valley, passing through towns and fields.  Sometimes they were rough and steep, or tangled with the roots of trees, almost disappearing under the darkness of the deep forests or through deep rifts between jagged rocks.  Other paths crossed high hills or gentle fields bathed in sunlight.  Often the paths would cross over each other, or sometimes two paths would join and become one.  Other paths would split, with each branch going off in its own direction.

Then I saw the people.  All over the valley, the pathways were covered with people walking along the paths.  Some by themselves while others walked in twos or small groups.  What struck me though was the fact that each and every person was walking along the path... backwards.  They could see what was behind them and what was immediately around them, but each one walked along his or her path with no knowledge of what was ahead of them.

Then the Lord showed me the meaning behind the picture.  As I looked out over the entirety of the valley, I was seeing time as He sees it – all at once.  A time and a season for everything.  He sees the beginning and the middle and the end of all the paths all at once.  He sees every sunlit field and dreary forest as one.

However, as we walk through time, we can see where we have come from and where we are right now, but we can only guess at where our paths are taking us.  Our paths may cross other people's paths, and we may walk along together for a time.  We make our plans and try to control our lives, but the reality is that we really don't have a lot to say about where our paths will end up.  But, God sees the end from the beginning.

Today the two of you are standing at the top of a bright hill, looking back on the paths which have brought you to this point.  Those paths have come from different places, and they have wound around through high places and low, through through light and dark.  A little while ago, your two paths came up next to each other and ran in parallel for a while.  Today, those two paths have become one, and you're about to take those first steps back down over the other side of the hill together.  You have some good guesses about what the path looks like, but you have no guarantees.  However, you do know the One who not only sees the path, but who has laid it out for you.

I would like to make this toast as a blessing over the two of you as you start this path together:

I don't ask for a path which will always be straight and smooth, because I know it won't be.

However, I pray that the two of you will walk well together.  When one stumbles over a root or a stone, may the other one always be there to pick you up again.

When the storms come and the way is dark, may you both be an encouragement and a light to one another, and when the way is bright and clear, may you both be there to share the wonder of Christ's Grace and Love.

May you have Peace and Joy along the way.  May your lives always reflect the Light of Jesus and be a source of Encouragement to others whos paths cross yours.

May you be Wise as you consider the places you have walked through, and wise Guides along the path, leading others to the Truth of Christ.

May you always have a keen sense of Jesus walking with you on the path, just a step ahead of you.

Blessings to you!

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