Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Here Comes the Sun!


Today was the first day that I actually noticed that the sun was still up at 5:00PM. I guess the days really are starting to get longer again!


Awake In Rochester said...

Yes, it was a nice sunny day.

I have noticed more, and more people writing "Woot"! I think it mean Yahoo. I just have to get use to seeing it. It's a favorite new word of a friend of mine.

Chuck Tryon said...

Not sure where "Woot!" comes from, but it seems to be a net-ism. I was just so happy to see the sun still shining at 5:00 that I wrote the first thing I thought of!

(I consider myself to be a pretty "tough" Northerner, and the cold and snow don't really bother me that much, but what I really hate about Winter is the short days and the darkness. It's always a difficult thing in the Fall when DST ends and I suddenly realize that I'm driving home in the dark. But, when this time of year gets here, and there is still daylight at 5:00PM, then that means there is literally, "a light at the end of the tunnel.")