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One of my most precious memories of growing up is the time I spent summers at the local art gallery taking pottery classes. In the summer of 2010, I was able to share some of that joy with a group of children in rural Moldova.

There were around 100 children participating in the program, so rather than try to deal with all of them at once, we split into smaller age-specific groups of around 15 to 20. With help from our Moldovan translators, I was able to teach the children some basic exercises and shapes, and then let them use their imagination to create what they wanted. It was fun to watch the excitement of the children as they were at first frustrated, but then began to get the feel of working with the clay. The pastor was able to borrow a small kiln from a local school, so we were able to fire many of the pieces the children had made to make them more permanent.

The pastor also introduced me to Peter, a local potter, and we spent time sharing together. Since we hadn't used up all of the clay with the children, I was able to give a 25lb block to Peter to bless him and his work. The OM Moldova team was then able to take another block of clay with them a couple of weeks later to a similar children's program at a church in another small village. The pastor's wife there is an artist herself, and was very appreciative of the clay, since she was finding it difficult to obtain quality clay there to work with.

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I have not yet been able to return to Moldova, but I am thankful I have been able to pursue that dream in Hungary. The LORD only knows where I will be able to take my clay next...